Friday, June 20, 2008

June 16th Orientation Day at my University.

I had to take the train by myself to the university. In the morning my mom and I ate breakfast (desayuno) together. Pan toasted with butter, cheese and ham. I love the train it is quick easy and you get an amazing view of the ocean when you are speeding by. We got alot of things today. We got folders of information and maps of the cities. Apparently, PUCV is ranked 5th out of the 60 universities that they have in Chile. I think it is pretty interesting that the campus is spread out across Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. It is like some universities in the states. We had a tour of the casa central and the building where our campus would be for this trip. We saw our classrooms, the library and the computer labs we could use. We had to take an hour long test to see what level classes we should take. It was really hard. But to my surprise I tested into classes that were (avanzado) advanced. So that was exciting news. I am taking Conversacion y cultura chilena y gramàtica. After the orientation I went to Jumbo with is a huge store-mall near the university. I needed to buy some bottled water and body wash. I forgot soap haha. I went with Miriam and my friend Joel. Later a group of us (Miriam, Laura, Joel and I) went to explore the town Viña del mar with some of my newfound friends. I tried their white wine it was really yummy. We ordered some food and hung out at a local restaurant-bar. It was a long but fun day.


Unknown said...

Hi Jenna-
Sounds like you are having an amazing time. I am so impressed that you are getting around the city with such ease. Your host family sounds wonderful! Four brothers! Wow!! Love reading what you are up to. Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...


so i hear you had your first spanish dream....thats SICK. okay but anyways i hope you are having a really good time and im sure you are. Cant wait to kick it and hear all about it when you get home. HAVE SOME CHILEAN BABIES muahahah. But seriously love and miss you. And mom misses you a lot but she doesnt know how to post a comment haha.


john e. kobara said...

Glad you are doing this. Don't ge stressed about the entries, enjoy writing them. :) Love you Dad

Anonymous said...

Jenna - It all sounds amazing - and you are amazing for doing it! Hope you continue having a wonderful experience and we can't wait to hear more. We love you so much! - Meera, Matt, Sam and Lily