Monday, June 23, 2008

Estoy apprendiendo Español!

June 23. Ok... So I need to update you on the past few days... But for now I will just try to write a quick entry about today. I have now been here for a week and a day. It is going fast and slow all at the same time. My reading and understanding are improving so much. My English is suffering haha Cause I am not using it much. So my grammar is pretty bad, and sometimes I know the Spanish word before the English equivalent. Crazy right? That is my running joke with my friends. We are stuck inbetween two languages. I don´t feel like I know either extremely well right now. haha. So please excuse typos and grammar errors. It would be much easier to write this in Spanish, actually,which is also really weird. haha but then no one at home would understand. It has only been a little over a week. Today I had desayuno (breakfast) here at my new home. Toast, cheese, ham, y cafè. I like the cafè here, it is from a can, but it isn´t as awful as all the books say. In my culture class we learned about the two main cities I have been to in Chile. Viña del Mar and Valparaìso (Valpo). I live in Viña which is the turist capital, and my universidad is in Valpo. After classes I met with my intercambio (interexchange student from my universidad). His name is Josè and he is trying to work on his English. So it is perfect. He is leaving in a few weeks to go to London for an architecture internship. He took me to a restaurant called Sushi Home. My oldest Chilean brother Tomàs used to work at the same restaurant. Yes it is true, I had Sushi in Chile! A menu in Spanish for Japanese food. ¡Qué extraño! Really good though. I had my favorite a Unagi roll. We also ordered gyoza, but when José asked if I wanted to share some I didn´t understand his accent. So I didn´t know he was talking about the dumplings. haha so he tried to explain it like the Asian version of a taco or empanada haha. It was a helpful lession. After, I came home and watched Spanish Cartoons con mi hermano Lucas. We had a late dinner because my Chilean mom fell asleep after work.

Tonight we had pasta with red sauce, the most familiar dish I have had so far. I also had salad (lettuce con lemon juice). For Dessert, platano (banana) con miel (honey). mmm yummy. After dinner my mom and I talked about some Spanish grammar. The Imperfect and Preterite Tenses.... lol She told me about her past students. (Britney and Tomás). They both stayed for less time, about a month. She said that speak the best Spanish. I was flattered and thanked her. She tells me to be patient. It has only been a week. I know she is right but sometimes I just wish I could speak it better and fluently already. haha. I keep reminding myself that this language for people here is like English for me. They grew up learning it. However, my oldest Chilean brother is the most impressive because he knows French, Spanish and English. He speaks English really well too. She said that Tomás their past student never went out with friends. He always stayed at the house. Britney went out all the time and did very little witht the family. I don´t understan that. Some students in my program are like that too. I sometimes would rather stay at home than go out. She said I am a nice balance. haha Like I am part of the family. =)awwwww..... She says that she likes how I go out at night and how I meet the other students. She loves how I always come home for dinner and parts of the day. I love her she is amazing. I love you too mama!! lol I haven´t forgotten you. I wish you could all come meet them. I haven´t forgotten all my family and friends in the U.S. haha but Chile is amazing. Alright it is getting late here and I have class tomorrow. So night.... xoxo I shall write again soon. I have records and journal writings just gotta post them. LOVE!!!!!


john e. kobara said...

I have a great feel for your experience. It seems you really lucked out with su familia. Sushi?! Keep breathing it in. The Spanish, the differences, the similarities......Con mucho amor Papa

Anonymous said...

What an awesome experience! I can completely understand the "switching from one language to the other" part. Have a wonderful time and soak in the new experiences.

Louise Harris

PS. Rick and Thomas send their love too:)