Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jenna plays Interpreter in Chile. Wait! WHAT?!

So last week my host mom, Alicia, asked me if I could do her a favor. Who knew that she would ask me to be an interpreter for here?! My host mom works at a Blood Bank here in Viña at a hospital called Gustavo Fricke after a doctor who worked there. So early Monday morning I arrived at the hospital to begin translating. I met this girl from England and her name was Joanna. She works for a hospital in England and her work asked her to come to Chile to do an investigation. She wanted to learn about Chilean hospitals here. She was hoping to take back what she learned here and apply it in England. I think it was really brave of her to come here to Chile to do this project, especially because she doesn't speak much Spanish. However, for only being here a couple weeks she has picked up some phrases and words. So there I was being introduced as an interpreter... How relieved Joanna looked, when I started talking to her in English! "Oh, you speak English! Great!" she said to me with excitement. And then we were off!

Joanna was working on a 2 year research project regarding Blood and Transplants. Basically she wanted to learn how to identify the key drivers in the demand planning process for national blood stocks.

She had some very detailed questions about the Blood Bank. The changes in the the use of blood and the amount being used. She wanted to learn about the main factors that influences this increase of decrease of blood within the hospital.

So the interview was a little intense. haha and a little over my head at first. There were A LOT of medical terms and at times it was semi-exhausting. hehehe But.... I survived and afterwards I was able to see it as a learning experience. And a good one! I have never done something like this before! It is pretty crazy listening two languages at the same time and thinking in those same two languages at the same time. My brain has gotten used to speaking more Spanish than English on a daily basis. It was actually weird to hear myself talking in English and then in Spanish right afterwards. We also did the same interview at a hospital in Valpo (Valparaiso).

Afterwards, one of the doctors took the two of us girls out to lunch. We at this amazing restaurant. Fine dining. =) We ate clams with Parmesan cheese for an appetizer. Then we had salad and a famous fish in Chile called Congrio. It was delicious! Afterwards the doctor, Pedro, wanted to take Joanna around and show her the sights. We went to different hills in Valpo and showed her some of the famous lookouts!

Over all it was a long and fun-filled day. I got the chance to play interpreter and I think I liked it. Much love,

1 comment:

Arun said...

Awesome! Just like my mom. And a true reflection of your skills!