Sunday, July 26, 2009

Estoy en Chile!!! I am Finally here!

It is now 11:30am on Sunday the 26th. I am sitting in my bed. Well, actually technically it isTomas’s bed. Tomas is my oldest host brother. Lol. I am stealing his room again, but this time I am taking it for 5 months! Haha Well I am here safe and sound. The flights were long especially the one from Dallas to Santiago, but I finally made it. I met up with Ashley, a girl I met who also goes to San Diego State with me, at the airport. When we finally got on our flight to Santiago, I wanted to trade seats with someone so that me and Ashley could sit next to each other. It ended up not being possible, but I sat next to this 35 year old guy named Brandon. He sells some type of mapping software to military groups. He has traveled a lot to different Spanish speaking countries but he doesn't speak Spanish very well. =P He bought me two glasses of wine and we were having the best time and the best conversations. We talked about life, mostly. He used to live in San Diego and so we chatted about our San Diego experiences. When we got off the plane I hugged him goodbye. It’s nice that people can walk in and out of your life like that. I found Ashley. We got our bags, our visas and we walked out to meet our taxi. I was the 3rd to be dropped off. I met Sean from West Virgina (with an accent lol) and Samantha from Wisconsin. I finally saw my host family! I hugged them all and gave them besito after besito! Besitos =kisses on the cheek. First I saw my youngest host brother, Lucas, and my face just lit up. Finally my host mom and my oldest host brother Tomas came to meet me. We took in my bags and I got settled. I ate desayuno (breakfast). Toast, cheese and ham. I had some yummy nescafe too. lol. My Spanish is SO much better this time around. I am so happy to be back here. Everyone else I have met It is only day one and I am already speaking so well with my host family. Hahah and I already almost always understand Nacho! And that is huge in itself. I am so happy I decided to do this and stay with the same host family. It makes the whole process less nerve-racking and stressful. I know the routine and I know the ropes. =P Well I’m off to take a shower.

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